Celebrity prawn

Everyone loves Prawnfret

Sunday, November 12, 2006


3 weeks into my ortho posting, i have clerked an awe-inspiring 2 patients, both for tutorials, and read an amazing 2 pages of my textbook. seriously, WTF is wrong with me? And during this 3 weeks, i have read eoin colfer's artemis fowl and the lost colony at least 3 times cover to cover. It's a children's book. seriously, WTF is wrong with me? and today, i spent 5 hours on the internet reading wikipedia entries about the evolution of rock history from the 60s-present. seriously......


aiya nevermind la, start studying tmr....


At 12:23 PM, Blogger .:hb:. said...

hello prawn, that's a good start to a blog...cheers to our ortho posting!

At 12:23 PM, Blogger .:hb:. said...

eh, why u take down the pic?

At 3:59 AM, Blogger liana said...

haha its like an awe-inspiring poem.

what the hell is ladylike???

At 5:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi celebrity prawn...what's wrong wit you?


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