Celebrity prawn

Everyone loves Prawnfret

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Recently, i was rather taken aback by some inquisitive comments posed to me by friends and relatives, especially those to whom i communicate online. They seemed to think i had taken a sudden interest in a less-than-socially-acceptable hobby, and was proudly publicizing it to the world. These assumptions stemmed from my occasionally used online alias, celeb_pROn.

Now i was pondering these strange new developments when my good pal iZac sent me this over msn:

pron Definition:
(Or "prOn") {1337}-slang for pornography. Often seen on {IRC} in such desperate cries for help as "I WNAT PRON!!!!!"

iZac also told me to search "celeb pron" on google. Suffice to say I am shocked to find that the vast majority of results were NOT fansites of the greatest Prawn in the world!

Well let me now clarify that celeb_pron is merely a shorter form of my usual moniker, Celebrity Prawn, and i have no particular interest in viewing britney spears or gurmit singh sans clothes.

My true identity is actually Milord Moo Mah Meng, but this piece of information is highly secret so please don't tell anyone.


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